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Technical support team of Cloud-IAM

Get assistance

Cloud-IAM technical team is here to help you and provide assistance on your managed keycloak to:

  • Any question related to Keycloak as a service
  • Migration and integration on Cloud-IAM
  • Configuration and customisation of your Keycloak instance with Cloud-IAM's feature
  • Troubleshooting incident affecting accessibility or functionality on your deployment
  • Update your Keycloak deployment
  • ...

How to contact support technical support

Ticket center from Cloud-IAM App

In order to access Cloud-IAM ticket center, you have to create an account and be added to your organization containing the impacted deployment.

Access to the support ticket form

Cloud-IAM Console - Access to the support ticket center
Cloud-IAM Console - Access to the support ticket center
  1. Log in to Cloud-IAM App
  2. Click on Support present in the navbar (1)
  3. Select + Open New Ticket (2)

Complete the support ticket form

Cloud-IAM Console - Complete the support ticket form
Cloud-IAM Console - Complete the support ticket form
  1. Choose the category from the list [i.e category: Support/Incident] (1)
  2. Indicate the subject of your ticket (2)
  3. Complete and fill out your request (you can also attach file to detail your request) (3)
  4. Finally click on Submit New Ticket, your ticket will be automatically sent to our technical support team. (4)


Some conversation with our support might require the exchange of sensitive data, please refer to sensitive data exchange article.


You can contact directly our technical support team by e-mail on this following address :

Availability of technical support team

Cloud-IAM's technical are based in France 🇫🇷, and support is available during office hours in Europe.

Response time of technical support team

Cloud-IAM performance guarantees related to response time are expressed in terms of the level of support chosen by the client (Standard, Professional, Expert), as well as the severity of the incident.

For example, for an Expert level support deployment on a P1-critical incident, the guaranteed response time is 1 hour maximum.

For more information about response time, please visit:

Sensitive data exchange

To avoid letting this information reside in clear in the mailbox, we use GPG to crypt / decrypt this data.

Send sensitive data to the support

Firstly, import our public key:

$ gpg --keyserver --search-key
gpg: key ...: public key "Cloud-IAM Support Team <>" imported
$ gpg --keyserver --search-key
gpg: key ...: public key "Cloud-IAM Support Team <>" imported

Then, crypt and sign the file with the following command:

$ gpg --output secret-files.txt.gpg --encrypt --recipient secret-files.txt
$ shasum -a 256 secret-files.txt | awk '{print $1}' > secret-files.txt.sha256sum
$ gpg --output secret-files.txt.sha256sum.sig --sign secret-files.txt.sha256sum
$ gpg --output secret-files.txt.gpg --encrypt --recipient secret-files.txt
$ shasum -a 256 secret-files.txt | awk '{print $1}' > secret-files.txt.sha256sum
$ gpg --output secret-files.txt.sha256sum.sig --sign secret-files.txt.sha256sum

The file secret-files.txt.gpg is now crypted and only Cloud-IAM Support Team will be able to decrypt and read it 👌. If you associate the secret-files.txt.sha256sum.sig file, we will ensure the file has not been compromised.

Receive sensitive data from the support

If you want the support to send you sensitive data (password reset, exports, ...), you'll need to somehow provide your public key.

If you don't have yet a GPG key, please follow the instructions to export the public key.

$ gpg --full-generate-key
$ gpg --output public.pgp --armor --export
$ gpg --full-generate-key
$ gpg --output public.pgp --armor --export

You can then send us your public key or publish it on a public key server such as and then send us the email associated with your public key.

When you will receive the encrypted data, you simply need to run the following command to get them in clear:

$ gpg --decrypt sensitive-data.txt.gpg --output sensitive-data.txt
$ gpg --decrypt sensitive-data.txt.gpg --output sensitive-data.txt