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Status Page

To monitor Cloud-IAM services and depending on the level of support you have chosen, you have access to the Cloud-IAM status page or your dedicated status page linked to your organization.

Cloud-IAM status page


A global status page provides real-time visibility into the availability and performance of Cloud-IAM services, allowing you to track any issues or maintenance activities.

Here is the list of statuses indicated on the page:

  • Cloud-IAM Dashboard
  • Cloud-IAM REST API
  • Website
  • Real-time logs
  • Real-time metrics
  • Cloud provider - Scaleway
  • Cloud provider - 3DS Outscale
  • Cloud provider - Amazon
  • Cloud provider - Google Cloud Platform

Access to Cloud-IAM status page

Click on the following link to access to Cloud-IAM status page : here.

Cloud-IAM status page
Cloud-IAM status page

Dedicated status page


If your organization has subscribed at least one deployment with Expert support level, this gives you the possibility to access a dedicated status page to follow the health of your deployment.

The page is directly plugged-in the tool used by our on-call team to detect defects on your deployment 24/7.

Organization status page
Organization status page

Access to your dedicated status page

Here are the steps to access status page from Cloud-IAM Console, if you are eligible :

  1. Connect to Cloud-IAM console
  2. Click on Support from the nav bar or select : support page
  3. Open the URL Status Page on new tab
  4. Copy the credentials
  5. Past the credentials on the new tab

You have now access to your organization status page.

Status page details
Status page details