Cloud-IAM Console overview
The Cloud-IAM console is a visual version of our API. All that is done in the console is done via our public API.
In order to create access the Cloud-IAM Console, the customer must log in on Cloud-IAM
The customer will need a Cloud-IAM account and accept the terms

From the navigation bar
You will find the list of deployments that belong to your organization.

On the organization's page, you will find :
- Billing details, where payment method, address of the billing, name and information can be adjusted,
- Members of your Organisation (First Name, Last Name, Email, Role) and feature to add or delete memeber of the organization,
- Service Account management section and feature to add or delete service account.

On the API's page, you will find the list of API available to proceed your to automation. Cloud-IAM being API first, feel free to automate everything!

On the Support's page, you will find :
- Status Page access
- Trigger On-call team access
- Support ticket center access

Lastest changes
On lastest changes section, you will find the latest news and updates on Cloud-IAM. (new feature, keycloak version, etc. )

Your user profile
On your user profile section, you will find :
- Account with which you are connected to Cloud-IAM,
- Settings to : change your password, activate MFA, delete your account,
- Select or Create an organization,
- Sign Out from Cloud-IAM console.

From a deployment page
Information Section
On the information section, you can find various information about your deployment such as:
- URL of your deployment
- Current Keycloak version
- Status of your deployment
- Up: Your deployment is working normally
- Down: There is a current downtime, our on-call team is working on it
- IP adress of your public gateway
- Plan
- Location: Cloud provider and Region
- Organization attached to your deployment
- Usage: Realm and Users
- Place where you can manage the additional custom extensions to add to your Keycloak cluster.
- Delete section

Deployment status
Your deployment has a status that you can see below its name in the Cloud-IAM console!
This status will be one of the following
This is the most common status, indicating that everything is normal and your cluster is currently running.
This status indicates that there was an error during the last re-deployment. It doesn't mean that your deployment is down. This occurs after a re-deployment failed to proceed. The cluster is running with some nodes that have been put off-traffic.
This status appears when a new deployment is currently being created. This is a temporary status and will change once the creation process is complete.
This status indicates that the cluster is being restarted to apply the latest changes on it (installing custom extensions, configuring environnement variables, enabling features, ...).
This status indicates that your deployment is in the process of being deleted. This is also a temporary status until the deletion is complete.
Insights Section
Find all informations about your Keycloak users & realms metrics on Insights page.

Logs Section
Find all informations about your Keycloak Logs.

Exports Section
On export section, you will find :
- Access to create a full export of your Keycloak
- Access to the history of exports and the possibility to download them.

Configuration Section
On configuration section, you can set up the security of your Keycloak deployment. Here, you will find :