Access to Cloud-IAM App
To perform actions on the Cloud-IAM application or a Keycloak deployment, you need to register on the Cloud-IAM application or Log-In. (e.g., Access Keycloak, modify payment configuration, access an organization, etc.).
Here are the steps to create an account or log in.
Create an account
To access to the register page, choose one of these 2 options :
- Option 1 : From the Cloud-IAM website, you need to select "Register."
- Option 2 : Go directly to Cloud-IAM App on this link and choose “Sign Up”.
From one of these options, you will be redirected to the registration form.

Complete the "Register" form:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Professional Email
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Phone Number* (*optional)
After entering your personal information, you must accept the "Terms of Service" and then click on "Sign Up"
Email Verification

Once the "Register" page is submitted, you will be redirected to the "Email Verification" page, which prompts you to check your email inbox.

From your email inbox, search for the email titled "Verify email" from
Once you've found and opened the email, click on "Link to email address verification”.
Please check your spam folder if needed
Access to Cloud-IAM Application

After clicking the link, you will be redirected to the Cloud-IAM application and logged in. Well done you are in Cloud-IAM App!
Connect to Cloud IAM
Before logging into the Cloud-IAM application, make sure you have created an account. If not, you can refer to the Create an account page.
To access to the Log-In page, choose one of this 2 options :
- Option 1 : From the Cloud-IAM website, you need to select "Login."
- Option 2 : Go directly to Cloud-IAM App on this link below.
From one of these options, you will be redirected to the Login form.

From the login form, provide your username and its associated password. Then click on "Sign In", you will be redirected to the Cloud-IAM application and logged in.

Process MFA if activated

You or your administrator may have enabled Multi-Factor Authentication on your Cloud-IAM application account (documentation here).
In this case, you need to enter the temporary 6-digit code from your Authenticator application to finally access the application.
Reset my password
If you need to change your password for any reason, here are the steps to follow: First you have to log-in to Cloud-IAM application.
Access to profile settings

- Click on your profile located at the top right.
- Select [Settings] and you will be redirected to the "Profile" page

Click on [change my password…], by clicking on it, you will be redirected to re-authenticate page.

Re-authenticate yourself, then you will be redirected to the “Update password” Page.
Update password

From the "Update Password" page, you will be able to add a new password to use for logging into the Cloud-IAM application.
Forgot my password
If you have forgotten your password, here are the steps to follow.
Log-In page
Access to the Log-In page, choose one of this 2 options :
- Option 1 : From the Cloud-IAM website, you need to select "Login."
- Option 2 : Go directly to Cloud-IAM App on this link below.
From one of these options, you will be redirected to the Login form.

On this page Click on [Forgot Password?], you will be redirected to the “Forgot Your Password” Page.
Forget Password Page

From the "Forgot Your Password" page, enter the email address associated with your Cloud-IAM account, and then click on [Submit] You will then be redirected to the Sign-In page, which prompts you to check your email inbox.
Email Verification

From your email inbox, search for the email titled "Reset password" from (Please check your spam folder if needed.)
Once you've found and opened the email, click on [Link to reset credentials]; the link will redirect you to the “Update Password” Page.
Update password

From this page, you can complete the form with a new password.
Once the process is completed, you will be logged into the Cloud-IAM application.