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FAQ - Keycloak

How soon after Red Hat releases a new version of Keycloak does Cloud-IAM make it available to upgrade to?

Before providing the latest versions offered by Red Hat, the Cloud-IAM technical team carries out tests to verify the new version. It usually takes a few days for minor versions, up to a couple of weeks for major with breaking changes. More information on the last version of Keycloak supported by Cloud-IAM can be found here

Are updates applied automatically?

No, when you get ready, our technical team is here to support you during upgrades and provide you with the necessary upgrade assistance and plan the automate update according to your requirement.

You stay in control of the Keycloak upgrade management, because even minor changes can impact your critical business and need validation from your side.

However, in case a CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) is discovered in your current Keycloak version that cannot be resolved without an upgrade, your deployment might be automatically updated to the latest minor version by the Cloud-IAM technical team. You will be notified before any such upgrade takes place.

More information can be found on upgrades process & RACI.