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FAQ - Customization

How customizable is your solution?

We provide vanilla Keycloak deployment without any restriction. So we support any standard Keycloak extension that you might use on your local deployment.

As you manage the instances, are configuration changes and customizations possible by ourselves?

Yes, you have full access through your Keycloak, and we also created an application that allows you to:

  • Modify your configuration (restrict access to a specific list of IP addresses, expose multiple custom domain DNS, etc.)
  • Customize your Keycloak using extension .jar files (implement custom features, themes, etc.)
  • Access logs and metrics (error logs, stack traces, service statuses, user analytics, etc.)

All of these actions can be performed either through our application or directly via Cloud-IAM API.

I have custom extension on my Keycloak. Does Cloud-IAM allow me to use my extension?

Yes, you can use any community or self developed Keycloak SPI and get the same features as if Keycloak were on premise.

What happens when I push an extension from the Cloud-IAM API or application?

This automatically triggers the redeployment of the cluster without any interruption of service. In practice, the extension update is available in around ten minutes.

Are customized themes supported?

Yes, absolutely, Cloud-IAM enhances and simplifies your Keycloak experience. You can directly upload your custom extensions through your Cloud-IAM dashboard, or even automatise it through your CI/CD pipelines. You can re-use your existing theme directly (as long as it is compatible with the version of Keycloak).

Can I deploy custom theme on free plan?

No, as free plan run on shared instance, we can not allow customers to deploy custom extensions for security reasons.

This advanced feature is available in our paid plans which are by nature dedicated deployments, just like the [Little Bunny]. This plans offer more extensive options to cater to specific needs, such as : custom extension, access to logs & metrics, exports of your keycloak deployment, Configuration environment variable and secure your keycloak deployment.