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Integrate API Automation

How to upload a custom extension on Cloud-IAM

Before you continue you'll need to get the deployment id you'll want to interact with. This can be found in the Cloud-IAM Console, near your deployment name.

Get the deployment id
Get the deployment id

Assuming you have build an extension available in /home/user/projects/cloud-iam/extension/target/extension.jar.

curl -X POST -F extension=@/home/user/projects/cloud-iam/extension/target/extension.jar \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \${DEPLOYMENT_ID}/extensions/jars

This will create a new resource attached to the deployment and will trigger automatically the deployment of the extension on the cluster. During this period, no further interaction with the deployment are available.


If you need to batch the upload of multiple extension before re-deploying it, simply add ?apply=false at the end of the url to skip the automatic redeployment.

Once you are ready with the configuration / upload of extensions, call the following url to eventually apply all the changes.

curl -X POST -F content=@/home/user/projects/cloud-iam/extension/target/extension.jar \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \${DEPLOYMENT_ID}/tasks/deploy