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Get Started - Fastest Guide to Deploy Managed Keycloak

Create an account or Sign-In

To create a deployment, you will need to create a Cloud-IAM account and accept the Terms of Service or Sign-In with your Cloud-IAM credentials.

to Cloud-IAM App
to Cloud-IAM App

Create a deployment

You have to navigate to the New deployment page or click on the [+ Create New Deployment] button, to reached the deployment configuration page

Button create New Deployment - Cloud-IAM App
Button create New Deployment - Cloud-IAM App

Now, simply configure your appropriate settings by following these 5 steps:

  1. Name your deployment
  2. Choose your Plan
  3. Select your Cloud Provider and its Region
  4. Define your Support Level
  5. Choose your Billing granularity


The name is unique and will be used as a sub-domain "". You cannot change the name after the deployment is created.

Deployment configuration - Cloud-IAM App
Deployment configuration - Cloud-IAM App

Once all 5 steps are completed, you will then be redirected to the payment page.

Payment Page

Enter the appropriated payment method and proceed the payment. (Credit Card or SEPA Direct Debit)


If you own a discount COUPON, you can enter it on the payment screen

Payment method Credit Card
Payment method Credit Card

Confirmation of deployment creation

Once we received the confirmation of the payment, this will trigger the automatic creation of your cluster and you will be redirected to the confirmation page.

This redirection informs you that your deployment is currently being created.

Your deployment is being created - Cloud-IAM App
Your deployment is being created - Cloud-IAM App

Emails confirmation

Once your deployment is created from Cloud-IAM, you will receive 2 emails :

  • One for your payment confirmation from Stripe with the bill.
  • One confirming that your Keycloak is ready to use. From Cloud-IAM named : “[Cloud-IAM] deployment your deployment name has been completed 🎉”.


If you did not receive emails, please double-check your spam folder

Confirmation email - From Cloud-IAM
Confirmation email - From Cloud-IAM

Access to keycloak console

Click on the URL displayed on the email after "The deployment base URL is." You will be redirected to your Keycloak Sign In Page.

Keycloak Sign In Page
Keycloak Sign In Page

First Log-In

For your initial login, you must use and complete the credentials provided in the confirmation email named: "[Cloud-IAM] deployment your deployment name has been completed 🎉."

Fist Log-In

Use it !

Welcome Page - Keycloak console
Welcome Page - Keycloak console

🎉 Congratulations! You've successfully created and configured your Keycloak deployment with Cloud-IAM. 🎉

Now that you're up and running, feel free to explore more Keycloak features and advanced configurations. Our comprehensive documentation is at your fingertips for detailed insights.

If you have any questions or need assistance with any step, don't hesitate to reach out. Connect with the Cloud-IAM team through our Contact Us page or leverage Cloud-IAM Support for prompt assistance.

Happy exploring, and thank you for choosing Cloud-IAM for your Identity and Access Management needs!